Darkstone Cyber
Average Lost Customer Revenue After a Data Breach
Average time to identify and contain a breach
Of small businesses go out of business within six months of a cyber attack
Sophisticated Security for High-Value Financial Portfolios
Your clients trust you with their most valuable assets – their finances. We safeguard your systems with cutting-edge security solutions crafted for financial advisors.
Discreet Protection, Unrivaled Success
Darkstone Cyber operates in the shadows to provide the utmost discretion while delivering unmatched results. We’ll make sure your business thrives in a secure environment.
Cost-effective solutions that fit your budget.
Priced based on AUM and number of accounts
Executive Protection
Full Access
Unlimited Support
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Be Proactive
Enhance your financial security with Darkstone Cyber. Ensure your clients' assets are safeguarded. Arrange a consultation to explore advanced cybersecurity solutions.